My name is Mira, and I am a college student, majoring in chemistry, who loves to cook, bake and look up recipes in my free time. My favorite foods are desserts, and I would live off them if my "health-conscious" friends would let me. I have recently started learning how to decorate cakes, and I am really enjoying that. I'm vegetarian, but not a huge fan of vegetables, so I do my best to sneak them into foods I like, such as pizza and pasta. I dislike washing dishes, especially silverware, and I am thrilled about my new apartment for the year with an included dishwasher.
I plan for this blog to include recipes, cooking and baking tips, cake decorating projects, and other random food-related posts, plus whatever else I feel like writing about.
If you want to contact me, just shoot me an email or find me on facebook. I enjoy hearing about new recipes, techniques, shiny kitchen appliances I cannot afford, and pretty much anything relating to cooking or baking.
I am also the co-author of a variety blog, if you want to check that out.